Monday, May 30, 2011

so much to see, so little time

my report: christ and doubting thomas by verrocchio at the orsanmichele church
day trip to siena. this is where carley's niece was named after. so fun to see!
palazzo publico of siena

cathedral of siena aka slytherin household. our favorite cathedral we've been to. i felt like i was in harry potter. i loved it!
inside the santa croce cathedral. this is where galileo and michelangelo were buried
mcdonalds. i never thought it could taste so good. as much as we love italy, we miss america and american food!
signing our names at the picasso, miro, dali exhibit
rape of the sabine woman by giambologna. one of our favorites

the leaning tower of cheesa

 spent the day in pisa before we went to the cinque terre. this is the square of miracles and the cathedral of pisa

the deposition of christ by pontormo. such a beautiful mannerism piece
 we got to spend the weekend camping and hiking at the cinque terre which are these five little cities along the coast of italy. by far our favorite weekend!

 our new boyfriends

 view from the top of one of the hikes. paradise!

 watching the sunset after a long perfect day of hiking, laughing, swimming in the mediterranean ocean, laying and sleeping and doing cartwheels on the beach, eating fresh salmon and pesto pasta and gelato, riding on the train, talking about harry potter, catching toads and fireflies....perfect

today was our last day in florence. we took our final, went to the top of duomo, and will celebrate tonight with gelato and watching the sunset on the bridge of course. we are sad to leave florence because it really does feel like home. we have grown so attached to italy, i cant imagine living anywhere else. but tomorrow morning we leave for venice to spend a relaxing weekend there. then the rest of our europe adventures begins!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am so jealous! Looks like so much fun. I miss you girls. Ciao bella :)
