Friday, June 3, 2011

ciao italia, you will be missed

 top of the duomo in florence. we walked 463 steps to get to the top!

 last night in florence

 hello venice!

 my parents flew out to venice to meet us. i was so happy to see them finally! and of course one of the first things we do is get nutella pie (my favorite) and cannolis
 ciao carley!
 italy study abroad 2011=BEST GROUP EVER

 thank you steve for such an amazing time. we love you!

 thank goodness for mom and her maps. we would have gotten so lost in the maze of venice

 san marco square in venice
 feeding the famous san marco pigeons
don't i have the coolest parents ever? 

the study abroad program is officially over which means that our days in italy are officially over. we are already planning the next time that we will be able to visit again. next summer maybe? but we are excited for our new adventures that we are already having in europe. pictures will be posted soon...
italy, thank you for the easiest and best semester of my life. thank you for taking my breath away daily with your beauty and history and art. thank you for helping me see the real beauty and diversity of this world. thank you for helping me grow up and mature in a matter of weeks. thank you for changing my life forever. you will be missed

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