Thursday, June 9, 2011

switzerland-the land of cheese, chocolate, and bungee jumping

 we took a train through the mountain to the top of the highest point in europe called jungfrau. so cool!
 this was called the "ice palace" which was an entire ice tunnel through the inside of the mountain

 we love switzerland!
 inside the mountain

 the view from our hotel where we ate breakfast every morning. perfection
 frolicking through swiss meadows? yes please

 petting a swiss cow? dont mind if i do

 cheese fondue on the top of gimmelwald? (a tiny town on top of a mountain overlooking the valley) sure why not.

 step 1: getting our straps on. check
 step 2: riding up the gondola and freaking out. check
 step 3: leaping. check
step 4: free falling. check

 step 5: still falling (10 second free fall). check. that tiny white dot at the bottom is the boat that picked us up

 i have the coolest parents ever!
 step 6: we did it! coolest thing i've ever done ever ever ever hands down!
the group. we all survived hooray!
 that little red dot over the lake is the gondola we jumped out of. 450 feet tall. we are insane

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH! i can't believe you did that! So fun. Isn't Switzerland incredible! I love reading your blog :)
